2015年10月12日 星期一


  • 圖形工具

  • 試了好久呀才才到全部答案~~
    yum install ImageMagick
    yum install ImageMagick-devel
    yum install php-pear [for PECL]
    使用 pecl 需要 phpize , 沒的話會出現 ERROR: `phpize' failed
    把 php 相關的都裝了就OK
    yum -y install php-devel
    另外還要有c 編釋器
    yum install gcc //如果還不了就把這個全裝了  yum install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake
    pecl install imagick
    需要在/etc/php.ini 加上
    重啟httpd , 查看 phpinfo() 就有imagick 了

    [CentOS] yum install netpbm - where?

    info at ssl7.com info at ssl7.com
    Tue Jan 30 21:24:52 UTC 2007

    I'm a noob with CentOS so I appreciate your valuable time and patience
    with my silly questions. Hopefully, I won't be a noob much longer :-)
    I'm using CentOS 4.4 and Plesk 8.1 on my Apache web server.
    I installed netPBM via yum:
    # yum install netpbm-devel.i386
    # yum install netpbm-progs
    I saw no errors, and when I run "yum list installed" I see the packages.
    The problem is, my customers' programs can't find netPBM and neither can I.

